After "zipping" into 2015, I listened to the President give the “State of the Nation” address and was thinking…what’s the state of my neighborhood? Have you thought about what actually happened in your little world last year and what you’ll be doing about it in 2015? Personally my little world is limited to the South Bay. It’s hard to process all the facts and figures of what’s happening across the nation when my family is more concerned with missing the chicken breast sale at Albertsons this week, but I digress…Here are a few thoughts to ponder…
The Satellite/Cable bills keep getting larger even though the level of service continues to decline. Since we need them just to watch regular TV stations, they think they have us cornered. 2015 is going to begin a new era for us and for them in terms of digital programming. We’ll see who laughs last.
According to the well-sourced rumors, Los Angeles may be getting its own football team (or maybe two) soon but it's still totally uncertain where that team would play. There are three potential stadium sites—in Downtown, Inglewood and the City of Industry. Then there's a fourth in Carson. Two unnamed teams have shown interest in a 172-acre property near the 405/110 interchange that today hosts Victoria Park and a golf course. The site is owned by LA County and sits on a former landfill. I wonder if they will have to pipe in an evacuation system like we have in Rolling Hills Estates and Torrance for people living on that landfill in Country Hills and in those condos off Rolling Hills Road. Hmmm!
2014 was definitely the year for Neighborhood Watch roll outs and the beginning of people getting involved in onsite venues like “Nextdoor” to catch up on neighborhood news. Of course they also got to snitch (water wasters) and bicker (parking issues) and sell their wares (anyone interested in two very cute baby goats?) Eventually we’ll figure out how to serve the original purpose which was to help us keep our neighborhoods safe and sane. Looking forward …
Interest rates are in the 3’s so if you’re interested in refinancing, now would be a great time. First time buyers should be jumping up and down. remember when rates were double digit? Take advantage before the government decides to do something about its multi trillion dollar deficit.

and prosperous 2015!
Charlie Hoffmann
Broker/OwnerBRE Lic # 0769985