ONCE UPON A TIME all I had to do was check my FACEBOOK to stay connected. Today, I have to monitor my TWITTER accounts, update my Google+, upload my PINTREST pics, keep up my BLOGS, update my BUSINESS WEBSITES, answer the requests on my LINKEDIN, post notices on my NEXTDOOR site, and new stuff is coming in EVERYDAY.
In 1979 I moved to California from Denver, Colorado. I picked up the Daily Breeze and found an ad for a rental and CALLED the agent on the telephone. I didn't have email then so instead of spending hours of my morning answering hundreds of them, I usually took a lengthy walk on the beach. I was living in Hermosa Beach then and it wasn't quite as built up and we still had the old railroad tracks running down the middle of Ardmore, but I digress. It was just simpler then (and a lot cheaper.)
In 1980 I became a fully licensed California Realtor and began conducting my real estate business in the South Bay. I didn't have a cell phone until years later. It was attached to the floor of my car and cost $.90 per minute so it was more of a status symbol than a tool. We actually called people back then (the do-not-call list hadn't been hatched) and met them for coffee at the quaint little coffee shops that have long since faded into the beach mist. I used to walk to Pier Avenue for lunch and catch up with the locals on the business of running the Beach Cities. I drove a huge Chevy 4 door, 8 cylinder, gas guzzler with no GPS. I carried around a Thomas Guide everywhere I went. I used to drive with one hand on the wheel and the other flipping through the pages. My clients were happy when I sold their homes and gave ME gifts. Interest rates were 16-17% for a long time. I remember when we finally dipped below double digits and everyone was so happy we had a week long party! It was harder to conduct business then but also easier. All our business was "belly to belly" as we used to say. You actually had to be in front of a customer to work with them.
Today, I receive emails and tweets and calls from people I don't know but they seem to know me. I try to get together with people for coffee but they don't have time. I've given up calling people because they only want me to email or TEXT - they are too busy for the telephone. Oh, did I mention that in this period of time, even the FAX machine, which wasn't available for our use in 1979, has pretty much gone the way of the dinosaur in conducting business.
Today, I receive emails and tweets and calls from people I don't know but they seem to know me. I try to get together with people for coffee but they don't have time. I've given up calling people because they only want me to email or TEXT - they are too busy for the telephone. Oh, did I mention that in this period of time, even the FAX machine, which wasn't available for our use in 1979, has pretty much gone the way of the dinosaur in conducting business.

So, after that ramble, I guess you can now call me, email me, tweet me, fax me, IM me, send me a YOUTUBE, video conference, or wave at me when you see me rolling down your street in my non-gas guzzler car (soon to be traded for something ELECTRIC?)